Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Brighter teeth whitening are naturally healthier-looking and more attractive. Unfortunately, most of us tend to experience stain buildup over time. Especially if we drink a lot of coffee, tea, red wine or other dark-coloured liquids.

With professional whitening, you can get significantly brighter teeth in a relatively short amount of time.

It starts with teeth whitening .

The first step in smile whitening is to book a scale and clean. We’ll remove the tartar and buildup across your teeth, to make sure the whitening agents can work effectively. Otherwise, no amount of whitening will get your smile bright.

During your visit, we’ll also screen for any factors where whitening might not be suitable. Such as cavities, gum disease or ceramic restorations in your “smile zone,” as tooth-coloured materials such as fillings or crowns won’t respond to whitening agents. Then, we’ll discuss which type of whitening is best for your needs.

Types of whitening .

In-Chair Teeth Whitening-For same-day results, our in-chair whitening is an excellent choice. This session takes about an hour and a half to complete, brightening your smile by 7-8 shades or more. It’s perfect if you have an immediate event to attend, such as a job interview or wedding.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening-We fit you with a pair of custom-moulded whitening trays that you wear once a day for up to two weeks. You can keep your trays on hand to top off whenever necessary (we recommend a few sessions after your six-monthly checkups).

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Simply reserve a time slot, walk in at the appointed time and get prioritized treatments at no extra cost.